onsdag 30 april 2008

Ze LB rendez vous in Kopenhagen az ze first step in a new attack. In many wayz zis mission will be similar to ze Faidutti job, some game designers just cant keep to what zey do best. Luckly zat is not true for the Ludo Brigade and we will not fail zis time either.

Ludo 3 had gone in advance to do ze scouting and to rent ze good german car.

fredag 25 april 2008

Stoopid game expansion

Ha ha ha!

I am LoL (laghing loud out) for zis stoopid expansion, they mispelld zat tagline four shore...

And if zat wasnot all, ze little bobble zat comes up when put mouse over picture seyz 'Badaboom Front' - ha ha ha ha ha, again LoL

onsdag 23 april 2008

Sieg Spiel!

Zis picture is depicting ze Ludo-Brigade as zey celebrate the successful mission in France ze other week. Zat Faidutti will never deviate from ze straight path agin. Ze LB dont actually care who anyone spend their time with, but we will never tolerate zat a good designer put more effort into a game of hide ze bratwurst with his “friend” than to make good new designer games, German style.

tisdag 22 april 2008

Zis is a good idea!

I found zis horrible video on ze american web. Dey were burning good german books but it is a real good idea. Vat do you zink?

söndag 20 april 2008

We hav mooved

Ze Ludo Brigade haz changed our blog adress due to unwanted interference from ze french GIGN, (ze Group d'Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale). From now on you can follow ze progress we make from zis adress.